"Oh, but I know plenty about you." John said with a smile. "I know that you hate when people call you Phil but that you get a kick out of calling people by their given names; I know that your kisses taste like fruity bubble gum, that even when you claim to hate coffee you can't go with your day without an early visit to Starbucks, I know that you will take Pepsi over Coke, that you like comics and original horror films. Hmm, let's see, I also know that you don't get close to anyone in the business unless it's Colt Cabana; I know you don't drink or do drugs; I know you can sing but do it mostly to piss people off and I know that when you are back home you like to go out and ride your bike-"
"You are a fucking stalker, Cena." Punk said as he shook his aching head so very slowly.
Shrugging, Cena smiled. "Not really, I just follow you on Twitter. But anyway, do you know what else I know?" He asked getting closer to him, so close that when Punk breathed in he was invaded by the scent of him and so close that if he moved an inch closer they would end up kissing." (с)
И таки действительно он follow him on Twitter! Видела собственными глазами) Реслеры начинают потакать фантазиям слешеров - если это часть тех "перемен", о которых постоянно вещает Панк, то я требую продолжения банкета!))